Out of Stock

Weekly Share


** Price for a weekly share

Gongura 1 lb |  Green bell peppers 3 | Tomatoes 2lb | Red potatoes 2lb | Red onions 2 lb | carrots 1lb | Green beans 1lb | pablano peppers 3 | okra 1lb | apples 1lb

**If a product is unavailable more of the other items will be added**

Out of stock

SKU: wklyshr Category: Tag:


We provide a farm fresh, colorful variety of produce each week. Depending on the season, you will receive 8-10 vegetables and herbs in each share, all farm grown or locally sourced.

Veggies to look forward in your 2021 season

Okra | Spinach | Kohlrabi Corn | Butternut Squash |  Collards |  Kale |  Swiss Chard |  Radishes |  Beets Turnips |  Head Lettuce |   Mustard Greens |  Bok Choi Candy Onions |  Red Onions  | Red Potatoes | White Potatoes  | Cabbage |  Cucumbers |  Heirloom Tomatoes |   Cherry Tomatoes |  Sweet Italian Peppers Bell Peppers |  Hot Peppers |  Summer Squash |  Zucchini |  Eggplant |  Green Beans |  Italian Beans |  Asian Long Beans |  Okra |  Bitter Melon |  Baby Ginger |  Turmeric Garlic 

and a lot of unique and ethnic Asian veggies as well

All subscribers will enjoy items grown specifically for them.
We will have a rotation of fruits locally sourced in season in your weekly share to enjoy as well.

Sign up now and be ahead of everyone.